Multipurpose descaler is stronger than standard traditional descalers. For washing machines, dishwashers, kettles, irons & more.
- Add 1/2 a bottle (225g) to the empty drum.
- Run the hot wash at 60°C.
- Fill up the detergent tablet container with Citric Acid.
- Add approx. 1/4 of the bottle (113g) to the base of the empty machine.
- Run the machine on a normal wash programme.
- Half fill the kettle with water and boil. Unplug, add 100g and leave for 15mins. Rinse thoroughly.
- Wipe down the outside of the kettle.
- Wipe up any spills immediately.
- Repeat if required.
- Check if descaling is recommended by the manufacturer.
- Heat iron to cotton temperature.
- Unplug the iron.
- Prepare a solution of 50g of Citric Acid in 250ml hot water, then half fill the iron.
- Hold iron over sink and switch on steam
- until solution has drained.
- Refill the iron with fresh water and flush through, (incl. the spray) until clear.
- Always test iron on an old piece of fabric after descaling.
- Also suitable for descaling showerheads, coffee machines, baby bottle sterilisers and other appliances.